Personalize your avatars from the Utherverse by creating unique outfits for them. Mix and match the clothes you already own and store an unlimited number of outfits.
UtherCloset is a 3D avatar editor for Utherverse and associated worlds. It provides a great deal of functionality not found anywhere else. Including the ability to store an unlimited number of clothing items and outfits. Users can make outfits from existing clothing items and store them, share them with friends and publish outfits to their profiles.
The UtherCloset portal is where you can keep up with all the lastest UtherCloset news and information. UtherCloset is the only interactive 3D closet system for Utherverse and associated 3D worlds. UtherCloset is determined to be the ultimate system for accessing quality clothing for your Utherverse avatar, and you can help by making suggestions.
UtherCloset is available to all users of Utherverse free of charge.
Feel free to create, modify and wear as many outfits as you can dream up! Join in the fun today!